The customer
Morrica, the Friendly Pharmacy
Morrica Pharmacy was born in Marano di Napoli in 2006, and since then it has guided its customers towards a conscious use of pharmaceutical solutions.
Every day the pharmacy staff works on the production of medicines, herbal products, herbal teas and nutraceutical products.

The demand
From Sales Desk to Online: Digitalizing Services
Supporting consumers’ daily needs and make their lives easier by assisting them in finding solutions to everyday problems.
For this reason, one of the pharmacy’s goals is to provide an increasingly advanced digital service, closer to the patient.

The solution
A Patient-friendly App
Infocube worked on the realisation of a PWA to support both the pharmacist and the patient.
The app was created as a result of a project in which we worked side by side with the customer to provide patients with digital access to certain services. The online offer includes the order of some over-the-counter products, and the sending of notifications when the same is ready for in-store pickup or home delivery, up to the integration with the pharmacy’s «mangiacode» system for medical visits on-site.

The project
What We Have Done
The app was built in React with an API back-end based on WordPress core, and integration with Sorgei SOAP services.

A customization was studied which made it possible to track objects tagged as RFID not as atomic objects, but as containers of volatile material (gas)..

The app allows to: pre-order over-the-counter medications, obtain electronic prescription data, track the status of your pre-order, and finally, book a medical visit at the pharmacy.